Pharmacist-Led Medication Review: Supports for New Role of Pharmacists
In recent decades, by increasing complexity of drug therapy, pharmacists considered as health- care members who can help optimizing drug therapy. We know that medicines do not have the anticipated effects all the times and a vast variability may exist in their behaviors in the body. So, it is very crucial to individualize treatment for every single patient. Nowadays, optimizing drug therapy in patients needs a collaborative interdisciplinary approach to patients care and treatment. Specifically when drug therapy is considered for a condition, pharmacists can enroll as a valuable professional to help for modification of therapy along with other clinicians. Abundant number of studies and reports exist in the literatures which address usefulness of pharmacist engagement in patient care. In this review we have presented some valuable evidences supporting pharmacist role in different clinical settings.
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Issue | Vol 1, No 4 (Autumn 2013) | |
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Pharmacist Drug Therapy Patient Care Pharmaceutical Services |
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