An Investigation of Job Stress and Job Burnout in Iranian Clinical Pharmacist
Background: Stress is an important element of organization ineffectiveness and since it leads to sickness, eventually it reduces quality and quantity of health care, lead to expansion of it costs and low job satisfaction. Stress comes along with consequences, one of this reactions which comes along with horrible effects is job burnout. Health care are more exposed for job burnout. We examined the relationship between job stress and job burnout in Iranian clinical pharmacist.
Methods: Sample was 50 of men and women of clinical pharmacist. Parker and De cotiis scale (1983) and Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI, 1981) were used to asses clinical pharmacist stress and burnout. Data were analyzed by applying regression method.
Results: Results indicated that there is strong relationship between stress and burnout and its three dimensions. The result also indicated that stress have the highest impact on emotional exhaustion and the least on the depersonalization.
Conclusion: Burnout is a result of stress in human services career. Human service needs are vary from other professions since in these jobs in order to fulfill the clients’ needs, employees should use themselves as the required technology, and in return they do not receive gratitude or appreciation.
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Issue | Vol 3, No 1-2 (Spring 2015) | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
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Job Satisfactions Stress Clinical Pharmacist |
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