How Radio Frequency Identification Improves Pharmaceutical Industry: A Comprehensive Review Literature
According to the vital role of pharmaceutical industry in health care system, pharmaceutical supply chain security, standard production and distribution of the pharmaceutical products are of great importance for pharmaceutical companies. Therefore, applying technology, especially Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), is essential to achieve these goals. Moreover, due to the importance of security in production and distribution and also the quality of pharmaceutical products, international pharmaceutical Institutes such as Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and huge pharmaceutical companies apply RFID to increase their success and improve their efficiency and effectiveness. The present study explains the concept of RFID, its application and importance in pharmaceutical industry, and its role in struggling against counterfeit medicines in addition to presenting a framework of RFID in struggling against counterfeit medicines. It is discussed that RFID has various applications in pharmaceutical industry such as inventory and property management system, access control and machines’ performances, producing sterile pharmaceutical products, anti-thieving mechanism, preventing medicines’ diversion.
Counterfeit medicines and recognition of counterfeit medicines. As a conclusion RFID can be suggested to make the pharmaceutical industry and health system smart. Therefore, it is suggested to establish this technology in pharmaceutical supply chain by the use of Information Technology and create a team of related specialists in order to successful application of this technology and gain the positive related results.
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Issue | Vol 3, No 1-2 (Spring 2015) | |
Section | Review Article(s) | |
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Radio Frequency Identification Device Counterfeit Drugs Pharmaceutic Industry |
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