Prospective Drug Use Evaluation of Meropenem in a Teaching Referral Hospital, Mashhad, Iran
Introduction: Inappropriate use of antibiotic, leads to microbial resistance, nosocomial infections and increased hospital costs. Therefore, it is necessary to control and evaluate the use of these medications, especially broad-spectrum antibiotics. This study evaluated the pattern of meropenem utilization in Imam Reza hospital, Mashhad, Iran.
Methods: First, a guideline for proper indications of meropenem was designed and finalized based on the clinical pharmacists and infectious disease specialist’s comments. One hundred patients were chosen randomly from different wards of the hospital and their data were recorded in predesigned questionnaires. Then, the pattern of meropenem consumption was analyzed according to the guideline.
Results: This study was performed in 100 patients, including 48 women and 52 men. In 13 cases (13%), patients had no approved indication for meropenem. The initial regimens were changed in 6 cases (6%) based on culture results and in 73 cases (73%) relied on clinical response. In 64 cases (64%), administrated doses were compatible with prepared guideline. Renal dose adjustment was acceptable based on guideline only in 30% of patients with renal impairment (30 patients out of 100). Hyper-sensitivity reaction, one of the adverse reactions of meropenem, was seen in 1 patient (1%).
Conclusion: According to the results, considerable errors occurred in meropenem administration and dosing. Therefore, it is necessary to design and implement a localized guideline for meropenem consumption in Imam Reza hospital of Mashhad, Iran.
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Issue | Vol 5, No 1-2 (Spring 2017) | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
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Meropenem Infection Medication error Drug Utilization Review |
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